Hubby has taken over my DS2 birthday gift. I told him pink is not his color. He does not seem to care.
True. True.
This great email came via BlueMomma. With all the fun that I am having with the fabulous ladies of TBDMGE!, this email is hilariously true...
Shout Outs To MommaDrool!!
For giving me a pretty twin. Although, I think Jennifer Dixon is prettier, I am just glad she is not ugly!
MommaDrool, you rock! Now, what do you think about me and Jennifer Anniston, or Charlize Theron, any similarities??? =P
Birthday Gift Continued...
Stolen From K-Mom!
K-Mom and I are friendship compatible. Glad I stole it from her. She understands.
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Accepting |
No matter what a friend says or does, you try your best to understand it. And your friends feel like they can tell you anything. You don't judge. You know that friendship is a journey - with a lot of ups and downs. If you and a friend grow apart, you get over it quickly... and leave the potential for future friendship open. You tend to have many friends from many walks of life. Anyone you meet is could become a friend. In fact, you are especially interested in people who are a little different than you. Seeing life from another perspective is something you cherish. Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else with their secrets You really can't be friends with: Dogmatic, stubborn people Your friendship quote: "Love is blind, but friendship closes its eyes." |
Assembly Required.
My birthday gift finally arrived. It came via a special freight truck. It sat upon a pallet. It had to be rolled into the garage. Hubby freaked because he knew it required lots of assembling. Hubby is assembly handicapped. I think in most cases, he would rather lose a limb than assemble something.
It did look intimidating...but it is MINE!
3 In Our Bed.
lil B: Mama, where is daddy going?
Me: To work. Someone has to pay the bills.
lil B: Oh.
Me: Unless you want to get a job?
lil B: Nah.
The Day After
Does insomnia come with old age? I woke up this morning at 4:45am. It is against my religion to get out of bed before 7 am.
Yesterday was a fan-tabulous day! Of course being my birthday I would not expect anything less. I spent the morning shopping with lil B. Then spent the afternoon shopping on the Internet. Got a kick a-s-s birthday present from hubby and lil B. Blew out my candles on a delicious ice cream cake. (YUM! My fav!!!) And then headed to dinner with my favorite 'bitches'.
Dinner was perfect! Great conversation, great food (I am praying MommaPeas is okay this morning,) and great adult beverages. These are some highlights...
1. The waiter had whiter teeth than me. On my birthday, this is unacceptable.
2. Everyone that could consume alcohol, did. First time ever I think!
3. We need to meet Random Mom's MIL.
4. We all dressed up and looked super cute.
5. It wasn't a Bell Bottom's night.
6. Kimtastic had to listen to me talk the ENTIRE ride home.
7. Non-Lucid Drivel is my enabler. ;)
8. I will never forget MommaPea's birthday. Unless election day changes.
9. Certain sexual acts are only discussed amongst great friends.
10. I'm A Mom! is still OLDER than me!!!
Of course I can not forget to mention my AWESOME birthday gift from the ladies:
(I am now on the hunt for Mario Paint. I want to paint each of them a Thank You.)
Upon returning home, lil B was thrilled to see a singing birthday card. It was played over and over..."Woogie Woogie"
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!
Next Monday, we do it all over again! ;)
For You History Buffs
Today is a very important day in history. If you don't know why, do a little research. EVERYONE should know this day and commit it to memory.