One of my good friends just asked why I am not on the 'Obama Train.' I don't normally do political debates or discussions with friends. These 'light hearted' talks usually end no where...with the same "agree to disagree". And inevitably, someone ends up being offended/hurt which puts a wedge in what is a wonderful friendship.
However, I feel it is only fair to myself to voice my opinions on my blog and allow those who want to know why given the opportunity. I am not looking for answers nor comments. This is my belief and my blog.
Reason numero 1:
Obama has NO experience. I would never let a surgeon with no previous experience operate on me. I am not a guinea pig. This is how I feel about Obama. Run my country? You are not qualified.
Reason numero 2:
We are in a post 9/11 world. Does anyone remember how many people died? The devastation, the destruction? I can not forget the lives that were lost and effected. I know some of the vicitims personally. Not to mention, I saw first hand the smoking piles of debris that contained the bodies of people - US citizens. People just like you and me - reduced to mere ash. Do you know who is hoping Obama gets elected to presidency? Osama bin Laden. Fidel Castro. DO you know why? They are anti-AMerican, hate filled murders. War mongers! What does that say about Obama and his international relations and national security? The people who hate us the most want Obama not for peace and unity, but for his ignorance. Obama has no idea how to protect the United States of America. His stand point is lax. Refer back to point numero 1.
Reason numero 3:
Has everyone forgotten the
great Rev, Wright and his "God Damn America" colloquy?! Obama was an active participant in this chruch for
20 - TWENTY - years! Obama only disassociated himself from the this anti-American propaganda after it hit the headlines. Of course Obama went into 'save face' mode. Bla bla bla. Excuses, excuses.
ANd what about Michelle Obama and her infamous comment of now being proud to be an American?! What?! How can a possible first lady not have been proud of
our great country? It is a blatant insult to us and our founding fathers.
Reason numero 4:
Infanticide. Definition: 1. the act of killing an infant. 2. the practice of killing newborn infants. 3. a person who kills an infant. Obama is in support of this. I am pro-life. I have a baby. I nurtured her in my womb for 9 months. She was alive inside me. As for rights as a woman, I have the right and choice to say 'No' to sex. Sex creates life. Obama believes in killing babies. Sick, inhumane, and a murderer. I could never vote for a person who believes in this.
Reason numero 5:
Obama's association with this man - William 'Bill' Ayers. Look him up.
I could go on and on. Obama wants 'Change.' His well coined but nothing new one word slogan. That's great. We all want to change something or another. His idea of change is filled with the word promise. But it is an empty promise because he has no idea how to change things. It is an insult to our intelligence as a nation. Show me his experience? SHow me his qualifications. Prove why he deserves this job? What is his proven track record? Oh wait - he has none. Bill & Hilary Clinton have been saying this since day one. Anyone can tell you why he/she would be great as President. Again, see reason numero 1.
When it comes to our country, I don't follow trends. Charisma is not the same as Character. I don't need
Sweet Talk. I need a qualified leader to guide MY GREAT, NUMBER 1, Most Powerful, nation in the world. I am PROUD to be an American. Proud to be a Republican.
Obama - Osama - Oshama. Not for my country.
McCain picked a FABULOUS VP. Impeccable record. SHe is more qualified than Obama. Look at her EXPERIENCE. It speaks for itself. Too bad, so sad Obama didn't pick Hilary. He might have had a chance. If I were a Hilary supporter, I would be very offended. Obama knows Hilary is more qualified than himself. That is why Hilary is not on the Obama ticket.
Whew...this is the most I have blogged in a long a-s-s time. Back to watching Max & Ruby. No wonder, my brain hurts.