Yankee Belle


So Big.

First day of school.

Proud daddy escorting his lil pumpkin.

Meeting the teacher.

End of the day...wore the heck out.

And her first school project...melted my heart.


momx2 said...

Too cute!

AUbiegirl01 said...

I know I'll be at this point next year and I don't know if I'll be ready! She looks like such a big girl!! Adorable!

Kim said...

oh. my. gosh. those pics are too cute, yet all so scary. lil B is a real big girl now. seriously.

i am SOO proud of her!

Valerie said...

how cute! hope she had a wonderful 1st day!

Seis said...

This was a wonderful post...

MommaDrool said...

that is sooo cute! The "end of the day" pic is hilarious! I love that Lil' B!