Yankee Belle


It's All About The Honesty.

lil B's bff just told me I have a big belly. I explained to the Mabster that a baby is in there. She replied, 'Nah, it's a big belly.'

Well, it is big...


Heather S. said...

HaHa! Ava hs been telling me that, but today she aked me how the baby was going to get out. :-0 I just said the Dr. was going to take it out. lol!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

LOL!!! Gotta love what kids say sometimes.

Kim said...

she's an observant one, isn't she? lil B just told me the same thing. i put a shirt on her just now, and she said, "my mom needs a big one for her big belly." i said, "why is her belly so big?" she said, "because caden james has to come out."

love it.