Another One I Can't Resist.
Posted by
*Yankee Belle*
/ Friday, August 29, 2008 /
I came accross this and just had to share. We all know that Obama gave his acceptance speech on the eve of Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream". Now that in itself is a whole different blog, but I am not going there. WHat I am sharing is how Obama was trying to emulate the great Dr. King. But pay close attention to the bold statement at the bottom.
"This bite from the Obama speech last night. It's a montage of The Messiah talking about himself. This runs a minute 17 seconds. None of these I's -- I, I, I -- is repeated.
'OBAMA: I accept your nomination. I thank you. I am grateful... I love you. I am so proud... I stood before... That's why I stand here......... Tonight I say... I don't know about you... I'm not ready... I quote... Americans I know... I don't believe... I just think... I am standing here... I see... I think... I listen... I remember... I stood... I hear... I think... I could... I know... I don't know... I intend to... I am... I will stop... I will... I will... I will... I will... As president I will... I'll help... I'll make... I'll invest... Michelle and I... I'll recruit... I will... I want... I have laid out... I'll pay... I will... I'm ready... I stood up... I argued... I will never hesitate... I will only... I will end... I will rebuild... I will... I will... I will... I will... I will... I look forward... I will not... I love... I know... But I don't know... I know... I get it... I realize that I... I -- I -- I -- I believe... I've seen it... I've lived it... I've seen it... I've seen it... I've seen it... I make... I got news for you... This election has never been about me. It's about you!'"
Hey girl! This is Lacy, Averys Mom from ballet. I just had to say awesome post. I can't believe how many educated people have been brainwashed into liking this guy!!! I'll be telling all my Obama friends to read this :)
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