Posted by
*Yankee Belle*
/ Tuesday, December 08, 2009 /
lil B decided mid-way through her dance class today that she was tired and ready to go home. She walked into the mommy sitting area and announced her decision to leave. I felt her head. No temperature. Confused, I started the 20 questions drill. To which lil B replied: 'I'm tired. I don't feel good. I want to go home.'
My gut was telling me this was a test. There was nothing wrong with her. But once she threw out the 'I don't feel good' card - of which the other moms clearly heard, there was no sending her defiant 4 year old a-s-s back. I packed up and headed out.
Once in the car, lil B asked:
"Are we still going for Mexican? I'm hungry."
Serenity Now.
hehehe...i'm just glad the mexican plans weren't foiled.
gotta love that she already knows how to work the system. :o)
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