Yankee Belle


Birthday Gift Continued...

Since it may take some time to assemble, this is what the package on a pallet will look like:

Tea Anyone? Okay Okay, you know me too well. The caption should read:

Wine anyone?


Heather S. said...

That is SOOOO beautiful!

Seis said...

Is this an invite? Prefiero Vino Tinto.

Kelly said...

Oh, that's very nice! When's the cook-out? I make a mean potato salad!!!

Kim said...

i claim the loveseat! since i can't drink for two, i will definitley sprawl out and sit for two. it looks so comfy and classy. . .i can't wait to help you break'em in! :)

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Very Nice!

Hear Their Everywear said...

You mean margaritas not wine...LOL

Awesome set!!!