Yankee Belle


Can It Get Any Better?!

Bama beat Auburn - not only beat them - demolished them. Bama kept them from putting a single point on the board. Auburn's final score --- A BIG FAT ZERO. I am still laughing my a-s-s off. Can you say 'annihilated'?!

12-0 -Holy Hell! Roll F'in Tide!!!!


Kim said...

i really don't like this post ya know, but thankfully the pic of lil B makes up for it...even if she is wearing those ugly colors. HA!!

seriously though, i love that pic of her...and errrr, CONGRATS!! (whew, that was hard to say.) =P

Trista said...


It was a great game and I LOVED being able to rub it in all my AU friends faces.

Yesterday at work was CARAZY! We got in over 1000 shirts and almost sold out.

Anonymous said...

You know I couldn't give a rat's ass who won - or even played in - that game, but damn, that is a cute pic of Lil B!