Yankee Belle


The Departed

Holy hell! I am in LOVE with Leonardo DiCaprio. We finally watched The Departed last night. For those who have not seen it - a damn fine movie. Since lil B was born, our movie nights - even rented ones - have become almost non-existent. Back to my point...

I LOVE Leonardo DiCaprio.


random_mommy said...

I too love Leo. And that movie was soooo good!
Husband calls him Reotardo DiCrapio. Grr.

I'm a Mom!..? said...

I must say, I too am a fan. I think I fell for him during his Titantic days. Mmmm. Mmmm. Good!

Anonymous said...

me too ! He's such a great actor and so sexy in The Departed and Blood Diamond. He's finally grown into a fine-looking man.

J said...

See, I can't get that "kid on Growing Pains" out of my head when I watch him. I was watching the Aviator once and thought, how odd that a pseudo-twelve yr. old is playing Howard Hughes. He does pick some great movies though! Here here!

J said...

For the love of Peter Woman, please indulge us with another entry!