Yankee Belle


Oh Shit

This is what my child now says when I slam on the brakes in the car. Hubby has always joked that as long as curse words are used in the right context and said at the right time, it would be acceptable. I am not so sure about this now. Although my brother who experienced it first hand tonight thinks it is classic, I am a little concerned.

Oh shit...where was I going with this post...


MommaDrool said...

Hmmm...I like this "right context, right time" theory. So, if my child says, "Momma, you drive like shit," does that fall into this category? She could easily pick up this phrase from her father...

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Between the 2 if them, "Oh Shit" and "Damn Doo" We probably shouldn't be riding together!!

random_mommy said...

Your kid rocks.